Attendance Registration Form - HCA AGM - 6th November 2021
Date: 6th November 2021
Time: 9am - 10:30 am
Location: Lake Hāwea Community Centre
Meeting Information and Covid Level 2 restrictions:
Please wear your masks
Keep 1m apart from other meeting attendees
Pre-register for meeting below and arrive early if you can
Join HCA / Renew your Membership Online prior to meeting (You can complete the online bank transfer form and pay cash at the meeting - but we would prefer you to pay online if you can)
For an efficient and shorter meeting, please read the relevant reports on the topics that interest you prior to the meeting (Links to reports at bottom of page).
Please give your feedback / ask questions relating to the reports using the forms at the bottom of each report before 7pm Wednesday 3rd November
For people unable to attend meeting in person:
If you attend by Zoom, you do not need to complete the form below, only complete the Zoom form, thanks
Nominations for Committee
AGM Attendance Registration Form
Links to all AGM reports, forms and further information