Our Policies & Constitution
Our Privacy Policy
The HCA will collect data on people who wish to receive information updates from us so we can distribute information to them.
The HCA will collect data on people who pay their subs, we need to record who has paid their subs and be able to provide receipts to those that request receipts
The HCA will be clear with community members whose data we collect, why we are collecting their data, what we will use it for and we must only use their data for what they have agreed we can use their data for.
The HCA will only collect data for that purpose which is consistent with the requirements of the Privacy Act.
The HCA will enable people to easily request we remove their data from our datasets, and we need to remove it on request. If people wish to unsubscribe from our updates, we need to enable them to easily do that.
The HCA will work to align with the Privacy Act information captured guidelines as per the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.
Our Social Media Policy
Help to nurture a growing vibrant healthy online HCA community by being considerate and respectful with your posts.
Always think before you post. Pause and re-read it, think about how it could be perceived. Would you say to someone’s face? Realise it can be permanent.
When you post, make it supportive, meaningful and interesting.
Ensure what you are saying adds to the conversation in a constructive manner and conveys what you intended.
Avoid making comments that are demeaning, discriminatory or harassing. If disagreeing with others’ opinions, keep it appropriate and polite. The HCA may remove them and/or the person responsible, may be blocked or banned.
Our Constitution
Hawea Community Association Incorporated Constitution
As revised following ratification of proposed amendments at an AGM on 12 October 2019
Hawea Community Association Incorporated (DN 426989 I.S.) – the “Association”
a. To promote the wellbeing and sustainable development of the Hawea district.
b. To foster values and actions consistent with a cohesive nurturing community.
c. To safeguard the interests of residents and ratepayers.
d. To represent members in dealing with national and local authorities, corporations, companies, organisations and individuals.
e. To improve and beautify the environs of Hawea.
The annual subscription and due date shall be determined by the Executive Committee (the “Committee”) subject to confirmation at the Annual General Meeting.
a. The members of the Association shall comprise persons who are owners or occupiers of property within the townships and surrounding areas of Lake Hawea, Hawea Flat, John Creek and Maungawera who have paid an annual subscription to the Association and who have been accepted by the Committee.
b. The Committee may in its sole discretion accept as a member of the Association any person not meeting the qualifications contained in paragraph 4a above always providing that such a member provides evidence to the Committee of his or her special interest in the Association’s aims.
c. Termination of Membership.
i. By Resignation. Any member may resign his (her) membership by letter addressed to the Secretary of the Association to that effect and by paying all subscriptions to and owing at the date of such letter of resignation.
ii. By Expulsion. Any member who misconducts him (or her) self or commits an offence under these rules renders him (or her) self liable to expulsion on the majority decision of the Committee. A member has the right to appear and be heard at any meeting considering a complaint against him (or her). Any member expelled shall have the right of appeal upon a requisition signed by no less than ten members to a Special General Meeting of the Association held within six weeks after the date of receipt of such requisition by the Secretary.
a. The Annual General Meeting (the AGM) will be held each calendar year with at least two other General Meetings. The dates of those meetings shall be advised in the Annual Report.
b. At least 14 days notice of such meetings will be given by mail or by email to members and by placing advertisements in at least one newspaper circulating daily in the region.
c. A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called at any time by the Chair of the Association or pursuant to a resolution of the Committee which shall publicly notify the S.G.M. in accordance with paragraph 5 b. above.
d. At the AGM eight (8) people shall be elected as a sub-committee and shall be known as “The Guardians of Lake Hawea “. People on this sub-committee need not be members of the Association.
e. At each AGM the Executive Committee shall present an Annual Report and Financial Statement which shall be circulated to all members. This report should include
i. The report of the Chair
ii. The report of the outgoing Treasurer
iii. The Financial Statements recording the financial affairs of the Association in accordance with current accounting practices. iv. The report of the Reviewer of the financial statements
f. At any meeting of members every member shall be entitled to be present to give one vote and no more upon every question provided however that in the case of equal votes the Chair shall have a second or casting vote. Voting shall be on voices in the first instance provided however that the Chair on his (her) volition may on the application of three members call for a show of hands. If a motion for a secret ballot is passed by a majority of those present the vote shall be taken by a secret ballot.
g. At any General Meeting of Members or Executive Committee Meeting, the Chair of the Association shall Chair the meetings. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall Chair the meetings until such time as the Chair becomes available. In the absence of both the Chair and the Vice Chair, those members present at the meeting shall appoint a Chair person for that meeting only, by a majority vote.
a. The Executive Committee (the “Committee”) shall be elected at the AGM from members of the Association and shall be comprised of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past Chair, and six (6) members. The Committee shall also include an appointee from the Lake Hawea Guardians and recognise a member of the Wanaka Community Board in a liaison role with speaking rights and no voting rights. , and an appointee from the Lake Hawea Community Centre Inc committee.
b. Nomination should be made in writing and should reach the Secretary at least forty eight (48) hours before the meeting. Nominations must include the nominee’s acceptance in writing. If insufficient nominations have been received additional names may be submitted from the floor of the Annual General Meeting provided consent of the nominee has been obtained.
c. No person elected to office shall hold office for more than two (2) years without being re-elected by an AGM.
d. The Committee shall have authority to co-opt up to four (4) further members who may contribute their expertise in specialised subjects under discussion.
e. The Committee may appoint or have elected sub-committees, members of which may be from the general public, to deal with specific matters and to report to the Committee
f. The Committee as elected or continuing in office as the case may be shall take office at the conclusion of each AGM.
g. The appointees to the Committee shall be member(s) of the Association.
h. If an office bearer on the Committee needs to be replaced for any reason the Committee may, by majority vote, appoint a member to that position, who shall remain in place until the next AGM elections.
i. The Committee shall hold its meetings in public, but may go into “ Committee “ after passing a resolution to do so.
a. The Committee shall ensure that resolutions consistent with the Aims of the Association passed at an AGM or a General Meeting are carried out.
b. Shall generally conduct the business of the Association between General Meetings consistent with the Aims in Sections 2a-e.
c. Exercise vigilance with regard to Planning and Public Notices which may affect the district and shall take the action required to best further the Aims in Section 2a-e, of the Association. Whenever practical and feasible the executive committee shall undertake consultation with the community ahead of making a submission to any body on behalf of the Association.
a. The quorum for a General Meeting shall be twenty (20) members.
b. The quorum for Committee Meetings shall be one half of the Committee Members.
c. Ex- Officio and co-opted Committee members are to be taken as forming part of the quorum.
d. Apologies shall not be taken as part of a quorum.
a. The Chair shall within fourteen (14) days of receiving a written request from three Committee Members call a General Meeting to be held within 30 days of receipt of that written request.
b. The Chair shall within seven (7) days of receipt of a written request from three Committee Members call a Committee Meeting to be held within fifteen (15) days of that written request.
c. If the Chair has not complied within the stipulated time to such request the requisitionists may call the meeting themselves.
d. The petition and the notice of meeting shall state the business it is desired to transact.
The Secretary shall maintain the Minute Book and correspondence files which will be open to inspection by members of the Association at any reasonable time.
a. Notices of Motion covering amendments to the Constitution shall be in writing and delivered to the Secretary twenty eight (28) days prior to any General Meeting. Such a notice will clearly state the motion and reasons for it and be signed by the Mover and a Seconder.
b. To rescind a motion a notice of motion must be given and passed at the next meeting by a two-thirds majority.
Each member shall be bound by the Constitution of the Association and shall from time to time communicate to the Secretary his or her postal address or email address and all notices or letters posted or emailed to such addresses shall be considered as having been duly given on the day when such notice or letters should have reached such member in the ordinary course of business. The committee shall be under no obligation to give notice to any member temporarily or permanently absent from New Zealand.
This Constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority at an Annual or Special General Meeting.
a. All monies received shall be deposited in the Association’s bank account. Cheques or drawings on this account are to be signed jointly by any two of the following: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or one nominated Committee Member.
b. Banking may be conducted by electronic banking methods provided that payments made from any bank accounts are authorized in accordance with the provisions of Clause 13 a. above. Income received and invoices or expenses paid shall be recorded and presented in the monthly report of the Treasurer.
c. The Treasurer shall receive all subscriptions and other sums and pay the same into the Association’s bank account to the credit of the Association. The Treasurer shall pay all accounts which have been passed by the Committee and shall submit to the Annual General meeting copies of the Association’s financial accounts and statements of receipts and payments, which shall have been duly reviewed and certified by the Reviewer
d. No member of the Association or any person associated with a member shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by the Association in respect of the payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person of any income, benefit, or advantage whatsoever.
e. Any such income paid shall be reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in an arm's length transaction (being the open market value). The provisions and effect of this clause shall not be removed from this Constitution and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this Constitution.
f. The Association shall keep open the option of seeking registration on the Department of Internal Affairs Charities Commission Register.
A Reviewer shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Reviewer shall independently examine the Association’s annual financial statements and banking records and certify to the next AGM if the same are correct or otherwise.
15. SEAL
The Association shall have a Common Seal which shall be kept in the custody and control of the Secretary for the time being or the Association’s Solicitor and any documents to be executed under Seal by the Association of whatsoever nature shall be executed with the following attestation clause pursuant to a resolution of the Committee.
The Common Seal of the Hawea Community Association Incorporated was hereunto affixed by the Secretary in the presence of two members of the Committee.
a. The Association may be dissolved by a resolution supported by a two-thirds majority at an Annual or Special General Meeting of Members
b. lf upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Association but shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or body having objects similar to the objects of the Association, or to some other charitable organization or purpose, in the Hawea district or the Queenstown Lakes District.
c. No addition to or alteration or recession of the Constitution shall be approved if it affects the non-profit aims, personal benefit or the winding up clause of the Association
d. The provision and effect of this clause shall not be removed from this Constitution and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this Constitution.
No addition to or alteration or recession of the rules shall be approved if it affects the non-profit aims, personal benefits or the dissolution clause.
The provision and effect of this clause shall not be removed from this document and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this document.
No member of the Association or any person associated with a member shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by the Association in respect of the payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person of any income, benefit or advantage whatsoever.
Any such income paid shall be reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in an arms length transaction (being the open market value).