Committee Members
Executive Committee Members
Position currently vacant - (Immediate past Chairperson will pick up all communications in meantime)
e. chairperson@haweacommunity.nz
John Taylor
e. treasurer@haweacommunity.nz
Position currently vacant - (Comms team will pick up all communications in meantime)
e. secretary@haweacommunity.nz
Minutes Secretary
Danny Mollan
Immediate Past Chairperson
Cherilyn Walthew
Committee Members
John Langley (Also chairperson of Guardians of Lake Hāwea and Three Waters Committee)
Louise Merrall (Also chairperson of Playgrounds Development Committee)
Don Robertson
Hamish McKay
Jacob Shaw
Veeta Orinko
Sarah Burdon
We have space for another Committee Member - Could this be you?
Committee Liaisons
Wanaka Community Board
Jude Battson
e. jude.battson@qldc.govt.nz
Niamh Shaw
e. niamh.shaw@qldc.govt.nz
Deane Harbison
Communications Team
Website Design
Zoë Brock of WWD kindly donated the design of our new website to us, and from time to time we still hassle her for expert advice.
Website Content & Maintenance, and Social Media Communications
Jessica McDougall
Jess worked closely with Zoë and put in a monumental effort migrating a massive amount of content over to our new site. She continues to work on website content and maintenance, and social media posts. Jess is also secretary of the Playgrounds Development Team. With Jess’s background in marketing, she has been able to significantly improve the design of the HCA’s posters and flyers.
Joanna Williamson
Joanna was Secretary of HCA up until July 2021 and has been part of the Comms team since December 2020. She works with Jess doing the ongoing website and social media uploads. Recently, Joanna ensured the length of the AGM Public meeting was reduced to 1.5hours by enabling the community to have access to (and the ability to give feedback on) all reports both online and offline prior to the meeting. With a baby due 9th December, Joanna continues to attempt to extract her self from the HCA’s secretarial workload.
Community Engagement
Danny Mollan (also HCA Minutes Secretary)
Note: We currently have Joanna, Jess and Danny looking after the secretary and comms inboxes. We forward information to relevant committee members when it comes in, and we attempt to keep our website and Facebook pages as up to date as possible. The comms team is able to support a new incoming secretary and ensure that role has a manageable workload.
Become a Committee Member
The Hāwea Community Association is a non-profit, volunteer run organisation. We are currently looking for new committee members, particularly a new Secretary. If you have time, energy and some expertise - please contact us to find out more.