Have your say: Freedom camping site at Camp Hill Road carpark (due 15 July)
Camp Hill Road (carpark on southern side of road) is listed as a carpark in question.
QLDC are seeking feedback on freedom camping. A question on the survey asks “Would you support freedom camping in any of the below carparks if there were controls and restrictions in place?” Camp Hill Road in Hawea Flat (carpark on southern side of road) is listed as one of these carparks.
Click here to share your thoughts on freedom camping in the Queenstown Lakes District.
The survey closes at 5.00pm on Thursday 15 July.
From QLDC website:
Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) completed its most recent Freedom Camping Bylaw in 2019. At the time of adoption, it was agreed a review and/or new bylaw would be undertaken within 18-24 months, informed by a comprehensive site by site assessment.
We're introducing a new bylaw to regulate freedom camping, and we'd love to hear your views on the practice of freedom camping in the Queenstown Lakes District and some proposed sites. The new bylaw would continue to regulate freedom camping.
Under the Freedom Camping Act 2011, Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has the power to regulate and enforce a Freedom Camping Bylaw developed and adopted under the Act. This is to ensure that freedom camping can still occur within the Queenstown Lakes District, but enables Council to place reasonable restrictions on freedom camping to protect the area, the health and safety of people who may visit the area, and to protect access to the area.
QLDC is seeking initial feedback and will be undertaking formal consultation on the new bylaw (including maps) in August 2021.