Hāwea Food Growers

Hawea Food Growers.jpg

Hāwea Food Growers is a supportive and active group of local food growers within the Hāwea community, with an emphasis on regenerative and organic gardening.

Our focus is on learning and sharing relevant, practical information that is easily applicable to your own garden. Currently, this is via our facebook group page which has over 300 members.

On occasion, we hold casual meetings which include group discussions, workshops and garden visits - we’ve held workshops on Biochar and composting. We’re passionate about being actively involved and providing a motivating, encouraging environment for gardeners of all skill levels.

We aim to create a network of local contacts and resources to gain and retain knowledge about what works in our area, strengthening our food growing community and making it easier for our gardeners to grow.


fb. /haweafoodgrowers


Hāwea Karate


Hāwea Library