Update: Proposed school speed zones changes (includes Hāwea Flat School)
Update from QLDC Councillor, Niamh Shaw - 13th September 2021
Council has just completed engagement on reducing the speed limits around the schools in the district. The vast majority of the 91 submitters supported temporarily reducing the speed limit around schools to 30kph during drop-off and pick up; this is up for approval at this Thu’s council meeting.
QLDC will communicate and install signage during Term 3 and 4 school breaks.
We have also been working with NZTA to trial static variable signs around proposed schools.
Feedback from the submissions is included in the council report for Agenda Item 6 here>
The Abley Report below describes the proposed ’treatment’ around each school.
QLDC School Speed Zones - Abley Report May 2021>
From QLDC website:
We’re proposing to introduce recommended permanent and variable speed limit reductions around 13 schools within the district. These changes were suggested by the community during consultation carried out on the Speed Limits Bylaw 2019, following a speed management review of the district.
Changes for Hāwea Flat School
Reduced to 30km/hr and 60km/hr during school drop-off and pick-up
A 60km/hr rural school speed zone installed on Kane Road.
Three Variable Message Sign (VMS) 30km/hr school speed zone signs be installed, two on each of Camp Hill Road and one on St Ninians Way. A static sign would also be required on Partridge Road.
Our question is whether it should be considered to extend the speed zone to include Windmill Corner, as this is a key zone for foot and bike traffic and where the bus stop is located. Currently the corner is zoned at 100km/h.
To complete the survey and for more information, visit QLDC website.
Speed zone changes proposed for Hāwea Flat School