Hāwea play-space development survey results are in

After closing last Friday, the Hāwea play-space development survey results are now compiled in a report, available for the community to read.

We’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who filled in the survey. We received a total of 135 submissions both online and on paper. The feedback is really informative and overall, very positive. It’s so important that these play-spaces are developed alongside what the community wants as a whole and the results will help the design team hugely.

The ‘Hāwea Play-space Development Survey Report’ can be downloaded as two versions, the Full Version (with all comments included) and the Condensed Version (comments removed to make it shorter). Download links below:

  1. Full Version (all comments included)

  2. Condensed Version (comments removed)

What happens next

With ‘community feedback’ the first milestone, the Playground Committee will now use the results to move onto the next ‘design brief’ stage. We are currently putting together a design brief for the landscape architects, who will then use this to start the initial concept designs for the play-spaces.

Here’s a simplified overview of the project process:
Community Feedback > Design Brief > Concept Design > Community Feedback > Council Consent > Fundraising > Tender > Construction


The Camp Hawea - Community Open Day


Lake Hāwea Graph and Rainfall