Hāwea Physiotherapy offering strength classes for seniors + more


Hāwea Physiotherapy is now offering a range of group strength & pilates classes at their practice studio in Hāwea Flat. Classes are run in 6 week blocks. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining our next 6 week block to increase your strength, fitness and get back into exercising. Classes include:

Seniors Class

As you get older is exercising getting harder? Do you feel stiff and sore when you get out of bed each day? Do you feel like your strength and balance is getting worse?Designed and run by a physiotherapist these classes will improve your strength and balance and decrease your aches and pain.

Strength and Balance

This class concentrates on safe and effective exercise to increase strength, balance and mobility. It is designed for people who are finding extra aches and pains as they get older and may be struggling to exercise. It will concentrate on increasing balance alongside strength and continuing mobility to ensure patients are able to exercise, live and work as pain free as possible.

Men’s Work Injuries Class

This is a strength based class specifically for men, whether you sit for long hours at a desk or have a physical tradie job this class is designed to help strengthen those muscles for better posture, movement and decreased back pain. While it is a group class we limit it to small numbers and the physiotherapist supervising will individualise and tailor the exercises to each person’s abilities, injuries and current levels of fitness.

Women’s Pilates Strength

This is a pilates strength based class that concentrates on safe effective exercises specifically for women to increase core strength, pelvic stability and overall strength. While it is a group class we limit it to small numbers and the physiotherapist supervising will individualise and tailor the exercises to each person’s abilities, injuries and current levels of fitness. Therefore the class is suitable to women of all ages, stages and fitness levels.


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