Bike Wanaka looking for members and support

Bike Wānaka membership for the 2021/22 season starts this month. Bike Wānaka has been in existence since the early 90’s and have a strong membership base and an active volunteer committee. Bike Wānaka were responsible for creating our latest and greatest community asset, the Hāwea Bike Park on the corner of Domain Road and Noema Terrace. The club are dedicated to maintaining the park with the help of some of the wonderful people in our community, and are absolutely thrilled to see how popular it's become.
Membership fees are a major source of income for the club, enabling places like the Hāwea Bike Park to be developed. Members get access to great discounts, a newsletter with all of the latest information, and club days at the local parks. Bike Wanaka is a club for all types of riders and their wide range of work shows this. The club’s priorities are:

  • Maintaining the existing track network and building new tracks

  • Holding a variety of events throughout the year

  • Ensuring Sticky Forest becomes a community asset

  • Access great discounts and deals for members

  • Advocacy for broader biking issues in Wanaka, such as an Active Transport Network

  • Development of riders and coaches in the region

  • Building strong relationships with other organisations - DOC, Lake Wanaka Tourism and Upper Clutha Tracks Trust.

Membership fees are $30 for an adult, $25 for a youth and $50 for a family. Family membership is for 1 or 2 adults and their kids, couples are asked to join with 2 adult memberships please.

Bike Wanaka would also really love to see a few more e-bikers join the club, as a recent survey shows they're a bit under-represented in the club!

Sign Up: Bike Wanaka


WAI Wanaka and Kahu Youth Survey: Young People and the Environment


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