Hāwea Green Waste Centre


Hāwea Greenwaste Centre is operated by the HCA along with substantial input from local volunteers. Income generated by the Centre is used to support Hāwea community projects and facilities. The Centre was opened about twenty years ago.

Residents drop off their green waste at the Centre, paying according to a schedule of charges displayed below.

Matured mulch is usually available to purchase. Most Saturdays, roughly between 2.45 – 3.00pm, John McCone of the Green Waste Operations Team will be operating his loader. He will fill trailers with mulch.

For more info, refer to our Projects & Sub-Committees page ‘Hawea Green Waste Centre’.

Opening Hours

Saturdays 1.00 – 3.00pm

Volunteers open the Centre every Saturday between 1.00 and 3.00pm. Payment (cash) to be made to the volunteer.


News and Updates


Hāwea Playgroup


Hāwea Bike Park