Lake Hāwea Foreshore Working ‘Thursday’ Group
The Lake Hāwea Foreshore Working Group (or ‘Thursday Group’) maintain the foreshore recreation reserve and its plantings.
The Thursday Group (TG) or the Lake Hāwea Foreshore Working Group, began in the late 1980's by a group led by Mr Turnbull to help look after the Lake Hawea Foreshore Reserve.
The reserve is a strip of land land containing indigenous Kānuka woodland/ Coprosma shrubland, providing a natural buffer between the lake and the Hāwea township. Connectivity to the beach and lake is by tracks and road, with picnic areas and toilets situated within the reserve.
Our group has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the council, regularly liaising with the Reserves officer. The Hāwea Community Association provides support for our work by providing tools and equipment.
What We Do
Weed, weed, weed (mainly garden escapees). We keep spraying to a minimum, and prefer the cut and paste with Triumph Gel (orange). Broom, cotoneaster, gravillia, honeysuckle, larch, pine, spindleberry, gum, briar, any exotic tree seedlings, ivy, oak, blackberry to name the most common ones. See ORC Recommended Pest Plant List
Plant new areas with local native plants, plant stormwater drains to mitigate run off into the lake, and replace plants that don’t survive.
We service a line of DOC 200 traps in the reserve to help protect the birds and skinks. The line is provided by the Wānaka Backyard Trapping Group.
Collect rubbish - mainly plastic, broken glass and bottles/cans discarded under trees.
Report any damage.
Our Focus & Vision
Securing locally sourced indigenous plants that will grow in the harsh conditions, and planted so as not obscuring residents views.
Ensuring anyone wanting to trim any plants on the Reserve seek permission from QLDC.
Accepting donations for plants as memorials - there won’t be any further memorial seats and structures on the Reserve, but donations for plants are accepted instead.
Keeping some open spaces for a more wild, rustic environment. There are areas of valuable turf communities plus orchid beds that we want to preserve. We are seeing lots of regeneration.
Enhancing ecosystems and bio-diversity by planting habitats for insects, lizards, birds, fungi etc.
Committee Contact
Gaye Robertson
p. 027 6544 150
Recent Projects
Information Podium Signs
Members with QLDC support designed and erected five interpretive panels, made from recycled plastic, to educate the public of the different natural values of the reserve.
Our team
We’re mainly a group of retirees - locals passionate about the reserve. Our team includes Gaye Robertson (Group Co-ordinator), John Taylor (herbicide & chainsaw gear), John Langley (irrigation & spraying) and Helen Clarke plans plantings along with Gaye. Skills in the group include conservation and botanical experience and weed identification. We also have ‘silent’ volunteers who keep areas tidy, water, make plant protectors or donate.
Our hours
March - Mid December
Thursdays, 9am - 12pm (morning tea 10:30am)
Some watering during holidays as required
June - Mid October:
Thursdays, 9:30am - 12:30pm (morning tea 10:30am)
How we work
We have our own trailer for gear including spades, grubbers, rakes, herbicide, gloves, masks, road cones, knee pads, safety glasses, water, hand wash, sanitiser, towels, loppers, secateurs, fadges, saws, weed hooks, plant protectors, ear muffs, Hi Viz vests, chairs and sunblock. Large slash is taken to the Hawea Green Waste Centre.
We take health and safety seriously. We have a sign in/out attendance register for each workday, a herbicide register, accident/injuries register and a MOU that guides our work is available.
Note: Due to high lake level last summer, rain and strong winds has caused cliff collapse, mainly below the Flora Dora Terrace area. We do not work over the Contact Energy fence, and Contact Energy are responsible for weeds from cliff toe and beach head. QLDC are responsible for spraying weeds below fence and to cliff edge.
Want to join us?
We’re always ready to welcome new members to the group. You’ll be guaranteed to learn a lot, have fun as well as the bonus of a reasonable workout! Volunteers need to bring drinking water and morning tea, all tools are supplied. Contact our friendly coordinator:
Gaye Robertson
p. 027 6544 150